We are the only FARR Certified Recovery Residence for Women with Children in the Tri-County Area.
Dedicated to "Donavin".
I joined the Army after High School with big dreams of having bright future until my addiction to drugs became a way of life. Once I became a mom, my desire to live was rejuvenated, but staying clean didn’t last long. I learned very quickly “children will not keep you clean”. After 4 years of watching family care for my son, I surrendered, and gave myself a chance in recovery where I learned how to be a productive member of society, and mother with HOPE for a bright future for Donavin and I. My life was dedicated to being the best mother I could be, until 2013 when GOD called him home at the age of 20. My life was forever changed and again had no meaning. But, through the support of family, friends, a loving 12-Step recovery community, and most importantly, FAITH in a GOD of my understanding, my true purpose found me. With my sponsor’s help, I followed my dream of helping other women like those who helped me become the woman I am today.
I now dedicate my life to be of service to support all women with children to love themselves and love their children as long as GOD allows us to be “Stewards” over HIS children. Until then……

24 Years of Recovery
- Our goal is to create additional housing to serve more mothers and children.

Let's break the cycle of addiction for our kids
As mothers we are too familiar with the stigma faced with addiction. Not only do we carry the cultural shame but we also carry the label of being a “bad mother”. While living at our home, we will remove these labels together and focus on our resiliency as the confident, loving, and nurturing mothers who are building a future for ourselves and our families in long-term recovery and productive members of society.